Celebrating World Environment Day with Sustainable Fashion Tips

Celebrating World Environment Day with Sustainable Fashion Tips

Publicado por Marketing Team en

Happy World Environment Day, everyone! As a brand focused on adaptive clothing, sensory clothing, and inclusive clothing for people with disabilities and mobility issues, we are committed to making sustainable fashion choices. 

This year, on World Environment Day, we want to celebrate our commitment to sustainability and share some easy-to-follow tips on how to take care of your clothes, especially the adaptive and sensory clothing. We also want to share some tips for sustainable fashion shopping. Let's make fashion not just accessible, but also planet-friendly!

Tip 1: Take care of your clothes

When caring for adaptive and sensory clothing, it's important to read the care label instructions. Different fabrics and designs require specific treatments. For example, cotton needs cool water and frequent washing, while synthetic fabrics can handle warm water and less washing. We recommend washing our products in a laundry bag, using mild detergent, and air drying it. This will help extend the life of your clothes and minimize the use of harmful chemicals that can pollute the environment.

Tip 2: Reuse and recycle clothing

When it comes to adaptive clothing, it's not always easy to find secondhand options that fit your needs. That's why we've partnered with AirRobe, a circular fashion platform that enables you to sell, rent, or donate your used items. This way, you not only extend the life of your clothes, but also keep them out of landfills and promote the circular economy. It's a win-win for you and the planet!

Tip 3: Shop sustainably

When shopping for clothes, look for sustainable and ethical brands that align with your values. Check their materials, production practices, certifications, and transparency. Also, consider buying from local or independent retailers, vintage stores, or clothing swaps. This way, you support small businesses, reduce carbon emissions from transport, and discover unique styles that reflect your personality. Plus, it's more fun and thrilling than buying mass-produced items!

Tip 4: Embrace versatility

Another way to make your fashion more sustainable is to invest in versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched in different ways. Visit our shop and you'll find that every piece in our collection is designed to provide comfort, style, and functionality for multiple occasions and environments. You can wear it to work, travel, exercise, or relax, without sacrificing your sensory needs or fashion sense. This reduces the need for buying more clothes, saves you money, and saves the planet from excess waste and pollution.

Tip 5: Spread the word

Share your sustainable fashion journey with your friends, family, and social media followers. Inspire others to join the movement and make conscious choices. The more people are aware and educated about the environmental and social impact of fashion, the more support we can create for a healthier and happier planet. 

Use hashtags such as #sustainablefashion, #circulareconomy, and #worldenvironmentday to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations. We want to be part of your journey, so don't forget to tag us, too!

On World Environment Day, let's celebrate our commitment to sustainability and inclusivity. With these easy-to-follow tips, we can take care of our clothes, reduce waste, and support the circular fashion movement. At The Shapes United, we're proud to be part of this movement and offer adaptive, sensory, and inclusive clothing that is not only functional and stylish but also sustainable and planet-friendly.

Join us in this journey and let's shape a better world together! Learn how you can be part of this advocacy here.

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The Shapes United Holiday Gift Guide is here. Adaptive and Sensory Gifts for Everyone on Your List!

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